2024 Election Update

Maitland residents turned out their thousands to cast their vote in the recent NSW Local Government election on 14 September 2024.

Once the vote count has concluded and the results are finalised by the NSW Electoral Commission on 1 October 2024, the Mayor and 12 Councillors will undertake an oath or affirmation of office. 

What happens next?

It is a mandatory requirement for all local governments to hold an induction program for all councillors (both new and returning) at the start of each new council term, as per the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.  

The program aims to:  

  • Equip both new and returning Councillors with the information they need to perform their role effectively over the first few months 
  • Provide comprehensive guidance to Councillors on all aspects of their role and responsibilities 
  • Build a positive, collaborative working relationship between Councillors and staff. 

The first council meeting of the new term will be held on Tuesday 22 October 2024.